
Sftp connection interarchy
Sftp connection interarchy

  1. #Sftp connection interarchy code#
  2. #Sftp connection interarchy download#
  3. #Sftp connection interarchy windows#

#Sftp connection interarchy code#

  • Feature Redirect to application without requiring to copy authentication code when opening new connection (Dropbox).
  • Feature Skip button to allow creating share with no passphrase (Dropbox, Box, ownCloud, Nextcloud) ( #13846).
  • sftp connection interarchy

  • Bugfix Files in vault not decrypted (Cryptomator, Google Storage) (#13949).
  • Bugfix Passwords for ProxyJump hosts in.
  • Bugfix Invalid syntax in Open in Terminal command (SFTP, macOS).
  • Bugfix Interoperability with IdentityAgent from 1Password (SFTP).
  • Bugfix Only read specific key from SSH agent with IdentitiesOnly and public key in IdentitiyFile directive in OpenSSH configuration to limit number of authentication attempts (SFTP) ( #13935).
  • Bugfix Files not decrypted after unlocking vault (Cryptomator, Box) ( #13961).
  • Bugfix Folders containing backup file dirid.c9r cannot be deleted (Cryptomator) ( #13957).
  • Bugfix Failure uploading file with diacritic in filename (Windows) ( #13723).
  • Bugfix Allow custom path for IdentityAgent configuration (SFTP, Windows) ( #13933).
  • Bugfix Allow to create new buckets in regions ap-south-2, ap-southeast-3, eu-south-2, eu-central-2, me-central-1 (S3) ( #14045).
  • Bugfix Failure authorizing using OAuth with no desktop browser installed (Linux) ( #14028).
  • Bugfix Save OAuth tokens with username to allow connecting to different accounts (Google Drive, Google Storage, OneDrive, Dropbox, Box).
  • Bugfix Lazily calculate pre-signed URLs (S3, Openstack Swift, Azure).
  • #Sftp connection interarchy windows#

    Bugfix Copying or moving files with two browser windows may not use server side operation ( #14084).

    sftp connection interarchy

    Bugfix Recursive search displaying folders not containing files matching the pattern ( #13925).Bugfix Support for vaults using GCM encryption (Cryptomator) ( #14207).Bugfix Transfer with Resume or Compare option marked as incomplete when all files can be skipped ( #12998).Bugfix Overwrite prompt does not allow to expand folder (Windows) ( #14287#).Bugfix Review layout of input prompts (Windows).Bugfix Allow to create public links with different expiry dates (OpenStack Swift) ( #14256).Bugfix Allow to copy expiring public links using shared access signature with different expiry dates (Azure) ( #14270).Bugfix The bucket does not allow ACLs error when copying file to bucket with BucketOwnerEnforced ownership controls (S3) ( #14300).Bugfix Edit file instantly uploads and overwrites file on server with no change ( #14251).Bugfix Overwriting large file deletes segments after transfer is complete (OpenStack Swift) ( #14326).Bugfix Error using "Open With" to open file in external editor (Windows) ( #14332).Bugfix Do not use MLST when running with interoperability connection profile (FTP) ( #14333).Bugfix Cannot create or duplicate files with any suffix (#14263).Bugfix Hide directory placeholders only containing hidden files (Backblaze B2) ( #14431).Bugfix Failure reverting previous version in vault (Cryptomator, OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox) ( #14410).Bugfix Unable to duplicate files (macOS) ( #14413).Bugfix File changes in editors are no longer uploaded when file has previously deleted by a save process ( #14455).Bugfix Presigned URL does not consider the server port number (S3) ( #13981).Bugfix Requires force quit after opening file multiple times in external editor (macOS) ( #14412).

    #Sftp connection interarchy download#

    There are also snapshot and beta builds available featuring the latest bugfixes and enhancements.ĭownload (Mac) Download Installer Package (Mac) Download Installer (Windows) Download MSI Package (Windows)

    Sftp connection interarchy